Fesyen Solekan Wajah Terkini - Innocent Pleasure Majolica Majorca

Serikan face with a luster solekan summer Innocent Pleasure Majolica Majorca pearls that shimmer vessel. Pembayang eyes gave the impression Jeweling Eyes shine off from all corners of the jewel, brought in eight color options each with only four different color combinations for a unique effect every time solekan.

Collection consecutive season this show Balsam pewangi limited edition Majoerotica with haruman epal and everlasting flower fresh throughout the day without feeling melekit.

It can be used on the chest and ankle and hand, and ear lobe hujung get an impression of hair accessories for perfume.

For the nails, limited edition coloring Artistic Nails, Glow & Quick Jeweling Line and color in five fresh rasberi or epal the rapid dry, lustrous and fragrant.


Serikan wajah dengan gemerlapan solekan musim panas Innocent Pleasure Majolica Majorca yang berkilau bak mutiara. Pembayang mata Jeweling Eyes memberi kesan kilauan permata dari segala sudut, didatangkan dalam lapan rona pilihan setiap satunya dengan empat kombinasi warna berbeza untuk kesan unik setiap kali solekan.

Koleksi musim ini turut menampilkan balsam pewangi edisi terhad Majoerotica dengan haruman epal dan bunga segar yang kekal sepanjang hari tanpa rasa melekit.

Ia boleh dipakai pada dada dan pergelangan kaki dan tangan, cuping telinga dan hujung rambut bagi mendapatkan kesan aksesori wangian.

Untuk kuku pula, pewarna edisi terhad Artistic Nails, Glow & Quick dan Jeweling Line dalam lima warna segar rasberi atau epal yang cepat kering, berkilau dan harum.

Koleksi Solekan Nutritious Vita-Mineral, Estee Lauder

WOMEN all ages need to layer up and keep kesihatan skin that always remained sihat and principled.

Jenama leading beauty, Estee Lauder introduced a collection of nutritious solekan up to put out the typical signs of fatigue, and renew your skin with beauty solekan perfect.

Series of product powder Tabur nutritious Vita-Mineral with SPF15/PA + + and cecair basis nutritious Vita-Mineral SPF10/PA + + diformulasi with Pomegranate extract, nutrien pemangkin and antioksida such as Vitamin C, E, iron, magnesium and potasium.

In addition, the collection contains nutritious mineral complex with the function to protect the skin barrier, such as ultra violet mineral titanium dioxide powder in addition to the mikrosfera hide your face when the skin defect silica also absorbs excessive oil.

Tabur powder and nutritious cecair principle can easily be used at all Estee Lauder kaunter countries.


WANITA segenap lapisan usia perlu menjaga kesihatan diri dan kulit agar sentiasa kekal sihat serta berkeyakinan.

Jenama kecantikan terkemuka, Estee Lauder memperkenalkan koleksi solekan Nutritious yang direka khas untuk memadamkan tanda-tanda keletihan dan memperbaharui kecantikan kulit dengan solekan sempurna.

Rangkaian produk bedak tabur Nutritious Vita-Mineral dengan SPF15/PA++ dan cecair asas Nutritious Vita-Mineral SPF10/PA++ diformulasi dengan ekstrak Pomegranate, nutrien pemangkin dan antioksida seperti Vitamin C, E, zat besi, potasium serta magnesium.

Di samping itu, koleksi Nutritious mengandungi mineral kompleks dengan fungsi melindungi kulit seperti penghalang mineral ultra ungu titanium dioksida selain bedak mikrosfera yang menyembunyikan kecelaan kulit wajah manakala silika pula menyerap minyak berlebihan.

Bedak tabur dan cecair asas Nutritious mudah digunakan boleh diperoleh di kaunter Estee Lauder seluruh negara.

Hadiah Hari Bapa - Crabtree & Evelyn

Father's Day greeting after not long, Crabtree & Evelyn offers some of the special reserve gift praktikal and all according to the father.

Them, face washing Natural Solutions For Men, face pelembap Post Shave Relief and grooming kit consists of the set cream Terrace, post shave relief and face washing.

Or, give a gift a father haruman the Nomad collection so sweet aroma with exotic ginger, bamboo and fragrant Serai green for a father and a brave sukakan odyssey.

Nomad EDT shipped in 100ml bottles worth RM120 combine haruman teak and sandalwood perisa with ginger and Serai.

In addition, the Nomad Calming Shaving Cream, which is among the most gentle cream formula also contains antioxidants and Vitamin E. What did the father give the product Head-to-Toe Nomad grooming kit is worth RM320.


Sempena sambutan Hari Bapa tidak lama lagi, Crabtree & Evelyn menawarkan beberapa cadangan hadiah istimewa yang praktikal dan sesuai untuk semua bapa.

Antaranya, pencuci muka Natural Solutions For Men, pelembap wajah Post Shave Relief dan Grooming Kit terdiri daripada set krim pencukur, post shave relief dan pencuci muka.

Atau, berikan bapa hadiah haruman semula jadi koleksi Nomad dengan wangian aroma halia eksotik, serai wangi dan buluh hijau untuk bapa yang berani dan sukakan pengembaraan.

Nomad EDT didatangkan dalam botol 100ml berharga RM120 menggabungkan haruman kayu jati dan cendana bersama perisa halia dan serai.

Di samping itu, Nomad Calming Shaving Cream yang merupakan antara krim paling lembut pula mengandungi formula antioksidan dan Vitamin E. Apa kata berikan bapa produk Head-to-Toe Nomad Grooming Kit ini yang berharga RM320.

Fesyen Beg Terkini - Bag Coach

ANY season jenama beg of choice most famous Hollywood celebrities, Coach will introduce the latest collection exclusively for penggemarnya.

This time jenama from the United States of America becomes an increasingly frenzied women appear Malaysia with a collection of the name Poppy for Fall 2009.

Executive Creative Director for Coach, Reed Krakoff said, for the special collection for the drop this season he meneroka-deep in the characteristics of women who use the Coach before this.

The results, showing the collective Krakoff beg hand, slippers and accessories with bright colors, patterns and prints and the use of labuci latest fabrik.

"In short, this is Poppy collection jenama Coach sustainability that also would provide a choice and taste for the new Coach peminat various layers of the age," he said in a fact issued recently.

May be concluded, this collection comes with a breath of fresh, young look and stylish appearance for a more forceful.

Once he participated in electrical current carrying elements of the retro with various combination of colors of pure light.

This collection displays the hands beg Spotlight Shoulder the classic shape a little but still captivating.

Starlet Satchel purse also shines with the shine off the metal and the more resistant fabrik energetic.

Beg also tote Glam up for the user, and zip keselesaan interesting.

Poppy collection also showed the influence of retro elements in addition to the obvious femininity terserlah.

You may not setakat style with hands beg even sandals, accessories, glass eyes and clothing chosen for you to complete your Poppy on this season.

Poppy also created a logo which typically take inspiration from the painting symbolizes the vigorous Graffiti this collection.